Safeguarding Vulnerable Persons - PolicyCOVID 19 SafetyVulnerable Persons Incident Report

Safeguarding Children and Vulnerable Adults Policy

Last updated: December 21, 2022

Policy Statement

  1. All people, regardless of their age, gender, race, religious beliefs, disability, sexual orientation, or family or social background, have equal rights to protection from abuse, neglect or exploitation.
  2. Ability ID Association of Australia Inc. [Ability ID] commits to promoting and protecting the welfare and human rights of people that interact with, or are affected by, our work – particularly those that may be at risk of abuse, neglect or exploitation. We have no tolerance for abuse, neglect or exploitation. We will take a survivor-centric approach in all that we do.
  3. All staff, volunteers, partners and third parties of Ability ID share responsibility for protecting everyone from abuse, neglect or exploitation. Beyond this, particular people have specific responsibilities, and they must carry out their duties without exception.
  4. Ability ID has a process for managing incidents that must be followed when one arises.


  1. The purpose of this policy is to:
    1. Help protect people that interact with, or are affected by, Ability ID.
    2. Define the key terms we use when talking about protecting people or safeguarding.
    3. Set out and develop the way Ability ID manages safeguarding risks.
    4. Set out the specific roles and responsibilities of persons working in and with Ability ID.
    5. Facilitate the safe management of incidents.
    6. To support a positive and effective internal culture towards safeguarding.


  1. ‘Safeguarding’ means protecting the welfare and human rights of people that interact with, or are affected by, Ability ID, particularly those that might be at risk of abuse, neglect or exploitation. This refers to any responsibility or measure undertaken to protect a person from harm.
  2. ‘Abuse, neglect or exploitation’ means all forms of physical and mental abuse, exploitation, coercion or ill-treatment. This might include, for example:
    1. Sexual harassment, bullying or abuse;
    2. Sexual criminal offences and serious sexual criminal offences;
    3. Threats of, or actual violence, verbal, emotional or social abuse;
    4. Cultural or identity abuse, such as racial, sexual or gender-based discrimination or hate crime;
    5. Coercion and exploitation;
    6. Abuse of power.
  3. ‘Reasonable grounds to suspect’ is a situation where a person has some information that leads them to believe that abuse, neglect or exploitation has taken place, is taking place, or may take place. It comes with a low burden of proof (in fact, no proof is needed at all), but is based on some information. Questions that may help a person to determine whether they have ‘reasonable grounds to suspect’ might include:
    1. Could you explain to another person why you suspect something? This helps to make sure that your suspicion is based on information, even if you have no proof.
    2. Would an objective other person, with the same information as you, come to the same conclusion? This helps to make sure that your suspicion is as objective as possible.
  4. A ‘survivor-centric approach’ means considering and lawfully prioritising the needs, right and wishes of survivors.

Roles and responsibilities

  1. While the responsibility to protect people is shared by all who work at or with Ability ID, some individuals have specific obligations with which they must comply.
  2. The members of the Management Committee of Ability ID are responsible for:
    1. Protecting all people that interact with, or are affected by, Ability ID;
    2. Ensuring that there are appropriate and effective ways for Ability ID to do this;
    3. Ensuring that Ability ID observes all relevant laws relating to safeguarding;
    4. Ensuring that Ability ID takes a survivor-centric approach.
  1. The Chief Executive Officer [CEO] of Ability ID must:
  1. Ensure Ability ID has effective and appropriate ways to manage safeguarding and legal compliance;
  2. (If necessary) Ensure the appointment of a Safeguarding Manager with appropriate skills and competency;
  3. Ensure that, within the charity’s approach, reasonable steps are taken to protect people;
  4. Ensure that reports to external parties are made where required.
  1. The Safeguarding Manager of Ability ID must:
  1. Manage reports of abuse, neglect or exploitation;
  2. Ensure that all staff, contractors, and volunteers are aware of relevant laws, policies and procedures, and Ability ID’s Code of Conduct;
  3. Ensure that all staff, contractors and volunteers are aware of their obligations to report suspected incidents of abuse, neglect or exploitation;
  4. Manage reports of abuse, neglect or exploitation;
  5. Provide support for staff, contractors and volunteers in undertaking their responsibilities.
  1. All Managers of Ability ID must:
  1. Promote a positive culture towards safeguarding;
  2. Implement this policy in their area of responsibility;
  3. Ensure that the risks of incidents have been considered in their area of responsibility;
  4. Ensure that there are appropriate controls in place to prevent, detect and respond to incidents;
  5. Facilitate the reporting of any suspected abuse, neglect or exploitation;
  6. Take a survivor-centric approach to potential incidents and ensure that any incident is dealt with transparently and accountably.
  1. All Staff and Volunteers of Ability ID must:
    1. Familiarise themselves with the relevant laws, the Code of Conduct, policies and procedures for safeguarding;
    2. Comply with all requirements;
    3. Report any incident to the appropriate authority when it is reasonable to suspect that a person’s safety or welfare is at risk
    4. Report any suspicion that a person’s safety or welfare may be at risk to the appropriate authority; and
    5. Provide an environment that is supportive of everyone’s emotional and physical safety.
  1. All partners and contractors of Ability ID must:
    1. Implement the provisions of this policy and Ability ID’s procedures in their dealings with Ability ID;
    2. Report any suspicion that an incident may have taken place, is taking place, or could take place.

Managing safeguarding risk

  1. The way Ability ID manages the risks of safeguarding will be:
    1. Holistic. Ability ID and its stakeholders will work to prevent, detect and take action on incidents.
    2. Risk-based and proportionate. Ability ID will regularly assess the risks to people in its operations and develop proportionate controls to mitigate those risks.
    3. Survivor-centric. Ability ID will put survivors at the heart of its approach to safeguarding.
    4. Lawful. Ability ID will ensure that it understands and complies with the law in everything it does, in all jurisdictions in which it works.
  2. Ability ID will manage the risk of safeguarding by:
    1. Having up-to-date and documented risk assessments;
    2. Maintaining a register of Ability ID legal obligations for safeguarding and workplace health and safety in all the jurisdictions in which it operates;
    3. Having an action plan that sets out how it will manage safeguarding;
    4. Adhering to this Safeguarding Policy and its Code of Conduct;
    5. Doing due diligence checks of staff, volunteers and third parties;
    6. Implementing policies, procedures and systems that introduce controls to reduce the likelihood and consequence of incidents;
    7. Conducting awareness-raising for stakeholders on risks, expectations, and individual responsibilities;
    8. Maintaining two reporting processes: the confidential reporting process, and the overt reporting process;
    9. Having an incident response plan;
    10. Monitoring and reviewing the effectiveness and proportionality of its safeguarding approach.

Managing incidents

  1. Harassment, abuse, neglect and exploitation are all serious misconduct and Ability ID reserves the right to:
    1. Take disciplinary action against those it believes are responsible, which may include dismissal;
    2. Take civil legal action;
    3. Report the matter to law enforcement.

Reporting suspected incidents

  1. All staff, volunteers and third parties must, as soon as practicable, report any suspicion that an incident has taken place, may be taking place, or could take place.
  2. They may do this through direct reporting to:
    1. Any member of the Management Committee;
    2. The Chief Executive Officer;
    3. The Safeguarding Manager;
    4. Their Manager or Supervisor.
  3. If a person wants to report confidentially, including with anonymity, they may use the confidential reporting system, which is: Safeguarding Children and Vulnerable Adults
    Incident Report – (Confidentiality Options Available)
  4. If a person believes that another person is at risk of immediate harm or the victim of a criminal offence, they must dial 000.

Responding to suspected incidents

  1. All suspected, perceived, potential or actual incidents will be managed through the incident response plan.

External reporting

  1. Ability ID will:
    1. Report any suspicion of a criminal offence to the police or the relevant criminal judicial body;
    2. Meet all donor requirements regarding the reporting of incidents;
    3. Report any qualifying matter to the ACNC.

Privacy and data protection

  1. All personal information considered or recorded will respect the privacy of the individuals involved unless there is a risk to someone’s safety. Ability ID will protect personal information.
  2. Ability ID’s Privacy Policy applies.

Changes to the Safeguarding Children and Vulnerable Adults Policy

We may update the Safeguarding Children and Vulnerable Adults Policy from time to time. We will notify You of any changes by posting the new Safeguarding Children and Vulnerable Adults Policy on this page. We will let You know via email and/or a prominent notice on Our Service, prior to the change becoming effective and update the “Last updated” date at the top of this Safeguarding Children and Vulnerable Adults Policy. You are advised to review the Safeguarding Children and Vulnerable Adults Policy periodically for any changes. Changes to the Safeguarding Children and Vulnerable Adults Policy are effective when they are posted on this page.

Contact Us

If you have any questions about the Safeguarding Children and Vulnerable Adults Policy, You can contact us:

  • By email:
  • By mail: PO Box 4218 Elanora QLD 4221

COVID-19 Safety Plan

Last updated: December 21, 2022

Ability ID Association of Australia Inc. (Ability ID) has developed this COVID-19 Safety Plan to comply with maintaining a COVID-19 safe workplace and complying with public health directives (where applicable) by having a documented COVID-19 Safety Plan in place.


This plan provides members of the Ability ID team guidance on operating in a COVID-19 safe way, and helps identify and mitigate risks during the ongoing pandemic.

Purpose and objectives

Our association is dedicated to the health, safety and wellbeing of all Ability ID team members, participant members, their family and carers (member/s). In this pandemic environment, we acknowledge additional precautions are required and that these are outlined in this COVID-19 Safety Plan.

Office access and member flow

To control the flow of people into and through the office, we will:

  • encourage all member communications via email, telephone or Zoom online meeting (where appropriate)
  • have a management plan in place advising members of symptoms suggestive of COVID-19 and how they need to address those suggestive symptoms
  • display information at the entrance and ensure clear messaging on the website of any symptoms suggestive of COVID-19 and how they need to address those suggestive symptoms
  • display information at the entrance outlining the requirements of entry ie: be free from symptoms consistent with COVID-19
  • provide access to hand-hygiene products upon entry and exit

Physical distancing

We acknowledge the nature of maintaining a physical distance of 1.5m, will put in place physical distancing measure by:

  • providing training to all members of the team
  • limiting the number of people on the premises at any one time
  • spacing furniture

Environmental management and cleaning

Ability ID will regularly clean and disinfect shared spaces, surfaces and communal items. We will:

  • enhance air flow by opening windows and doors in shared spaces (where and when appropriate) and optimising fresh air flow in air conditioning systems (by maximising the intake of outside air and reducing or avoiding recirculation of air)
  • minimise the sharing of administrative equipment between team members
  • clean and disinfect frequently touched surfaces with detergent and disinfectant wipe/solution between each episode of use – using a cleaning detergent followed by a disinfectant, or a two-in-one product with cleaning and disinfecting properties
  • provide training to all staff members on environmental cleaning requirements (this training will be documented)


To aid contact tracing in the event a team member, participant member or any visitor to the office tests positive for COVID-19, our office will:

  • maintain a record of all visitors to the office
  • maintain these records for a minimum of 28 days

Ability ID team management and limiting interactions in closed spaces

To reduce the risk of COVID-19 transmission between Ability ID team members, we will:

  • regularly communicate with all team members regarding the requirement to not attend the office if they have any symptoms consistent with COVID-19, regardless of how mild, and will encourage testing in line with local public health unit advice
  • require a verbal attestation from each team member at the commencement of each shift confirming they do not have any symptoms consistent with COVID-19, have not been in contact with a confirmed case, and have not been directed to isolate
  • support any team member who tests positive for COVID-19, or is identified as a close contact or is required to self-isolate
  • encourage physical distancing in common areas through organisation of furniture and signage
  • encourage all team members to provide their own drinking vessels and cutlery
  • require all team members to thoroughly clean communal items (eg cutlery) immediately after use by washing with hot water and detergent or by placing them in the dishwasher to be washed on the hottest possible setting

Responding to a positive case, or close contact, in the office team

If a member of the office team tests positive to COVID-19, our office will:

  • contact the local public health unit and follow their advice
  • follow the direction of the local public health unit regarding cleaning of the office
  • ensure the team member does not return to the office until they meet the criteria for release from isolation, and as instructed by the local public health unit
  • assist the local public health unit in contact tracing by proving records of all team members and visitors who have attended the office during the period in which the team member was potentially infectious (as defined by the local public health unit)

Events and gatherings

Ability ID team management will implement individual COVID-19 Plans for each event and gathering.

Each “COVID-19 Event or Gathering Plan’ will be consistent with this COVID-19 plan and comply with public health directives.

Public Health Unit Contacts


Public Health Unit Contact

Australian Capital Territory 02 5124 9213 (business hours) 02 9962 4155 (after hours)
New South Wales 1300 066 055
Northern Territory 08 8922 8044 or 1800 008 002
Queensland 134 268 or 07 3328 9724 or 07 3328 9728
South Australia 1300 232 272
Tasmania 1800 671 738
Victoria 1300 651 160
Western Australia 08 6373 2222

Changes to the COVID-19 Safety Plan

We may update the COVID-19 Safety Plan from time to time. We will notify You of any changes by posting the new COVID-19 Safety Plan on this page. We will let You know via email and/or a prominent notice on Our Service, prior to the change becoming effective and update the “Last updated” date at the top of this COVID-19 Safety Plan. You are advised to review the COVID-19 Safety Plan periodically for any changes. Changes to the COVID-19 Safety Plan are effective when they are posted on this page.

Contact Us

If you have any questions about the COVID-19 Safety Plan, You can contact us:

  • By email:
  • By mail: PO Box 4218 Elanora QLD 4221

Safeguarding Children and Vulnerable Adults
Incident Reporting

If you believe any child or vulnerable adult is at Immediate Risk of Abuse – Phone 000 NOW

Safeguarding our members is paramount priority.

If you believe Any Person associated with Ability ID Association of Australia Inc. has been involved in an Any Reportable Incident,
Contact the Ability ID Safeguarding Manager urgently to lodge a report of the incident.

“Any Person” Includes:

  • Staff Member
  • Volunteer Member
  • Participant Member
  • General Member
  • Professional Member
  • Corporate Member
  • Child Member or Vulnerable Adult Member
  • Attending Friend or Supporter
  • Attending Guest or Presenter

“Any Reportable Incident” Includes: (but not limited to)

  • Dangerous Behaviour – Physical or Emotional
  • Inappropriate Behaviour – Physical or Emotional
  • Deceptive Behaviour
  • Offensive / Aggressive / Disrespectful Behaviour

All incident reports are treated with the strictest confidentiality.